Dorset Destroyers celebrate 2 year anniversary with kit launch

Exactly 2 years ago, the Dorset Destroyers Wheelchair Rugby Club had their very first taster session.

5 players joined up and the coach who was running the session agreed to help the club out for 3 months to give them a guiding hand.

2 years later the coach, Luke White, is still with them on a part-time basis and they also now have a new coach, Phil Porter, who is developing the team.


The days of wearing printed t-shirts for kit changed yesterday as the Dorset Destroyers received their first kit, paid for by the people of Dorset and the surrounding areas.  The club had been running a summer fundraiser to help them get into the league, to buy the kit and to give more disabled people the chance to play competitive sport.

They now start in the league on the weekend of December 10th.  In total the club has raised £7,000 so far and there is still money to come in. To run a club of this size takes between £10,000 and £15,000 a year, so it’s nonstop but at the end of the day it really does make a difference to so many people across Dorset.